This action enables staff from a partner university or from an enterprise to spend a teaching period of at least 2 days (8 teaching hours minimum) at ésban. The objectives of this staff mobility for teaching are:
- To encourage higher education institutions to broaden and enrich the range and content of courses they offer;
- To allow students who do not have the possibility to participate in a mobility scheme, to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of academic staff from higher education institutions and from invited staff of enterprises in other European countries;
- To promote exchange of expertise and experience on pedagogical methods;
- To create links between higher education institutions and with enterprises;
- To motivate students and staff to become mobile and to assist them in preparing a mobility period.
All Erasmus exchanges are framed with a teaching/training agreement signed before the mobility.
All participants coming from a university/an art school in Europe with an Erasmus Charter should send, in the first place, a nomination letter from their home institution to the International Office. They should also apply for a mobility grant from their home institution.
If you are an Invited Staff from Enterprises you can benefit from an Erasmus grant from ésban.
(In €) | Country of residence | Grant per day until the 14th day | Grant per day from the 15th day |
Group 1 | Danmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden | 119 | 83 |
Group 2 | Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal | 106 | 74 |
Group 3 | Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Serbia | 92 | 64 |
Distance in km / only one way | Amount in € |
Less than 100 km | 20 |
100 – 499 km | 180 |
500 – 1999 km | 275 |
2000 – 2999 km | 360 |
3000 – 3999 km | 530 |
4000 – 7999 km | 820 |
More than 8000 km | 1500 |